
Showing posts from April, 2010

Reactionary Ostriches and Scott Walker

At one time the United States had two political parties, both with a left, a middle, and a right. Richard Nixon managed to lop off most of the right wing of the Democratic Party, the so called " dixiecrats ," and put them solidly in the Republican camp. The Republican liberals and moderates have been slowly boiling away from that party, since any moderate actions by a Republican now days gets him or her labeled as a RINO . The new symbol of the Republic Party should be The Reactionary Ostrich. The Republican solution to anthropogenic climate change , peak oil , and the contribution of tax cuts to the federal deficit is denial and sticking their collective heads in the sand. The GOP of late has become ideologically apposed to truth. What is currently more disturbing is the tendency of GOP candidates to shuffle further to the right and to put themselves at the podium in front of the Tea Party . The Tea Party is essentially a modernized retread of the John Birch Society ba...